G A M E - S T A R T

Guidebook: The Ascua Region
Dec 1, 2020 8:38:46 GMT -5
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Feb 19, 2024 9:46:33 GMT -5
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Mar 29, 2021 19:19:12 GMT -5
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Oct 25, 2020 8:49:15 GMT -5
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Following the correct bio template, here is where you would post your character's bio. Once the character is accepted by a staff member, you may begin role-playing.
Sept 12, 2023 7:20:08 GMT -5
Avalyn Glasse (Researcher)
Feb 5, 2024 7:51:35 GMT -5
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Feb 5, 2024 7:57:08 GMT -5
Take Flight (Avalyn's Plotter)
Sept 12, 2023 6:48:17 GMT -5
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G A I A - I S L A N D

Central Port Docks Prices
Jul 7, 2024 7:44:34 GMT -5
A bustling area in and of itself, Central Port is the first spot on Gaia Island where tourists and ranchers explore. Ships and boats travel up the canal, bypassing the southern areas of the island, and dock at the center of the island where the land has sprung to life. Visitors should always be able to find something interesting among the port and the island's many ranches. New ranchers to the island make their way to Main Office in order to register for their own ranch.
Mod Kris Avatar
Bloom & Grow {Silverstone Berry Patch}
Morgan Porter Avatar
The northern point of the island is home to the colder mountains of Gaia Island. There is plenty of space here for multiple ranches, especially for those that specialize in Ice, Rock, Steel, and Fighting types.
Mar 18, 2023 15:27:25 GMT -5
Riverrock Garden
Feb 19, 2024 9:39:06 GMT -5
The east side of the island has an abundance of lakes, ponds, and rivers running through lush grasslands. There is plenty of space here for multiple ranches, especially for those that specialize in Water, Psychic, and Bug types.
Kurt Emerson Avatar
Dust and Sand Clouds (Mods/Open)
Morgan Porter Avatar
West Gaia Island has much dryer land than the east, with desert-like patches, dim caves, and jagged mountain peaks. There is plenty of space here for multiple ranches, especially for those that specialize in Fire, Dragon, Electric, and Ground types.
Feb 9, 2024 7:55:26 GMT -5
Down to Earth (Solo Thread)
Dec 27, 2022 14:29:52 GMT -5
The mildest part of the island, the southeast region is full of plains and meadows with a few trees scattered about the landscape. There is plenty of space here for multiple ranches, especially for those that specialize in Normal, Grass, Fairy, and Flying types.
Bryar Glasse Avatar
Down Below (Mods/Open)
Kurt Emerson Avatar
Southwest Gaia Island is dominated by forests, with a few streams running throughout the shady woodlands. There is plenty of space here for multiple ranches, especially for those that specialize in Poison, Dark, and Ghost types.
Jan 31, 2024 7:57:18 GMT -5


Greenberry Market Stand
Jul 7, 2024 7:45:28 GMT -5
Greenberry Town is cut off from the rest of the region by the Greenberry Woods to the West and the watery Route 13 to the East. As such, this small, farming community does not have much to offer passersby, but the friendly atmosphere makes up for it. Because of its small size, the region's leading Pokemon authority, Professor Cypress, has set up her lab here with her human and Pokemon assistants, and is used to passing out starter Pokemon to new trainers.
Mod Kris Avatar
Here We Go Again (Mod)
Sadie Fox Avatar
A small area, this route tends to be used by Greenberry Town's youth as a playground. It's a short path that connects the town with Greenberry Woods and is home to a few young species of Pokemon.
Oct 13, 2022 6:24:54 GMT -5
Greenberry Woods Pokemon Center
Dec 28, 2022 22:05:34 GMT -5
These thick woods are the first test to any trainer starting from Greenberry Town. If one pays attention, there is a crude path made from human feet that leads straight to Route 2. However, if one strays from the path, it is very easy to get lost. Many Bug-types make their homes here, as well as a few Flying- and Grass-types.
Sadie Fox Avatar
Walking Forward (Mods)
Sadie Fox Avatar
The Greenberry Woods give way to Route 2, a fairly small path leading to Falldale Town. There are plenty of patches of tall grass where many young Pokemon make their homes.
Jan 31, 2023 8:18:26 GMT -5
Endure (Open)
Feb 9, 2024 8:25:16 GMT -5
Falldale Town is a quaint little village with dirt roads separating the residential area and the business districts. There's an outdoor market with fresh produce as well as stalls that do their best to sell as many basic necessities that a fledgling trainer might need. Near Route 3 is also the first Gym of the region, home of the Harmony Badge.
August Spector Avatar
Route 3 Wild Pokemon
Mod Kris Avatar
Not having enough trees to be called a woods or forest, Route 3 is hazardous with all the Poison- and Grass-type Pokemon that reside in the thick grass. If a trainer is really adventurous (and has plenty of antidotes), he or she may explore and find the hidden Berry Field.
Jul 14, 2018 12:50:39 GMT -5
QUEST: Lost Cats
Nov 29, 2020 10:07:10 GMT -5
The oldest city in the region, Pinewood City's buildings are made of sturdy wood, refurnished constantly to fight off the risk of being burned down. Small trees grow on the corners of the streets, providing shade in the hot months but not enough to prevent the sun from shining. The second Gym, holding the Sap Badge, is the only building not made of wood -- instead, it's walls are glass windows, granting the Gym greenhouse-like properties. Ascua's first Contest Hall is also found in this old city.
Mod Kris Avatar
QUEST: Runaway Growlithe
Mod Kris Avatar
This large forest almost always seems dim due to the tall trees blocking out most of the sun. A flashlight or a good Fire-type Pokemon (as long as said Pokemon does not burn down the forest) would be ideal to bring along. Many different types of Pokemon make their homes here, so trainers would do well to remember to bring status healers and potions; one never knows what kind of Pokemon one will encounter.
Nov 29, 2020 10:15:24 GMT -5
Route 4 Wild Pokemon
Jul 30, 2018 17:17:51 GMT -5
Route 4 is a small path with little vegetation, most likely due to the Labyrinth Forest's trees taking up all the sun's attention. Instead of tall grass, Route 4 is a dusty plain where a few Ground- and Rock-type Pokemon live.
Mod Kris Avatar
QUEST: Special Delivery
Mod Kris Avatar
Gilda Village is a modest and modern town with a high electricity tower smack in the middle. It doubles as the village's Gym, which holds the Spark Badge, and is powered by the Gym's Electric-type Pokemon.
Nov 29, 2020 10:31:05 GMT -5
Route 5 Wild Pokemon
Jul 30, 2018 17:20:58 GMT -5
This route paves the way to the next town with grassy plains alongside a running stream that started out of a cavern behind Gilda Village. The stream leads down to Dewdrop Lake and Newsnow Town, and is filled with Water-type Pokemon. Many other types also come to the shallower parts of the stream for drinks.
Mod Kris Avatar
Copper Rank Missions
Mod Kris Avatar
A quaint little village, Newsnow is an island out in the middle of Dewdrop Lake. In the West and the East are bridges that connect the village to Route 5 and the Crystal Cave, respectively. In addition, there is a small port in the South of the village for boats. Newsnow Village is so small that it doesn't have a Pokemart, but it does have a Contest Hall.
Apr 3, 2021 19:58:49 GMT -5
Crystal Cave Wild Pokemon
Jul 30, 2018 17:23:05 GMT -5
West of Newsnow Village is Crystal Cave, a dark cavern filled with slippery slopes and passageways. The cave has many paths, with most of them leading South toward Revihs City. Many Ground-types, with a few Steel- and Ice-types, make this cave their home.
Mod Kris Avatar
Different Exhibits
Kris Parker Avatar
This city is a bit isolated in the region with the only ways to get in being the Crystal Cave or the wooded Route 6. It's generally cool in the city, with tall pine trees casting shadows and shade over the city all year round. The fourth Gym is located here with the Frost Badge.
Feb 14, 2024 7:56:17 GMT -5
A Decent Hike (Mods/Kris)
Feb 5, 2024 7:39:00 GMT -5
Coming from Revihs City, Route 6 is lined with pine trees and slowly recedes into a pathway that leads to Coral Port, one of the major port towns in the Ascua region.
Kris Parker Avatar
Rotom Roulette
Mod Kris Avatar
Compared to Seger Port, Coral Port is fairly small, and most of the town's entertainment comes from the Contest Hall, but it is infamous for its Radio Tower. Instead of a standard Pokemart, the port town has an outdoor market that changes its goods frequently. Simple fishing boats tend to take up its port space, but there are a few commercial and passenger ships that dock here as well.
Sept 14, 2023 6:17:41 GMT -5
Route 7 Wild Pokemon
Aug 3, 2018 6:58:36 GMT -5
A water route, travelers usually go through Route 7 by boat. There are a few swimmers here and there, but the territorial Water-types around the area usually deter swimmers from going too far from shore. It is possible for trainers to Surf through the route with their Pokemon, but a back-up Water-type or a strong Flying-type will be needed to help keep wild Pokemon at bay.
Mod Kris Avatar
QUEST: Mail Call Part 3
Mod Kris Avatar
The halfway point between the two major ports of the region, Blue River Valley is a tropical oasis. Not only does it have the largest department store in the region and the Gym with the fifth badge -- the Aqua Badge -- it also has a full resort and spa. It is a bit expensive, however; there's always the Pokemon Center if one cannot afford the fancy hotels.
Nov 29, 2020 11:28:01 GMT -5
Route 8 Wild Pokemon
Aug 3, 2018 7:01:43 GMT -5
Another major water route, Route 8 is a bit longer and more difficult to navigate through due to the scattered Kea Islands. Not many swimmers or surfers around here; most stick to the beaches of Segar Port instead of braving the rough waters.
Mod Kris Avatar
Segar Port Docks Prices
Mod Kris Avatar
One of the major cities of the region, Segar Port is a popular vacation spot. With its vast beach touching Route 8 and the region's biggest Contest Hall in the center of the city, Segar Port is always busy.
Mar 2, 2019 15:53:52 GMT -5
Start the Game (Mods)
Feb 5, 2023 10:20:20 GMT -5
The only land exit from Segar Port, Route 9 is a winding path toward the next city. The route is devoid of trees except for a pine here or there; a wide, open plain is the landscape instead. Tall grass grows rampant here and is perfect for wild Pokemon to hide in.
Raphael Green Avatar
Bridgevale City's Contest Hall
Mod Kris Avatar
Bridgevale City is, perhaps, the most unique city in the region. It is built on strong stilts and beams over a chasm. Instead of sidewalks and roads, the city has bridges connecting the buildings to each other. It is in this city that the sixth Gym, with the Mind Badge, and the fifth Contest Hall are located.
Sept 9, 2018 8:02:30 GMT -5
Silver Rank Missions
Apr 3, 2021 20:07:26 GMT -5
East of Bridgevale City is the beginning of the Hotfoot Trail and Mount Hotstreak. Hotfoot Trail is rocky and steep, with few patches of grass, as it winds its way around the mountain. It will eventually lead to Route 10 on the other side of Mount Hotstreak.
Mod Kris Avatar
Route 10 Wild Pokemon
Mod Kris Avatar
The Hotfoot Trail, or northern exit of Mount Hotstreak, leads to Route 10, a flat, plains-like path that leads to Diamond City. Many Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-types make their homes in the few trees, shrubbery, and shallow caves peppering the landscape.
Aug 3, 2018 7:11:44 GMT -5
The Pokemon Salon
Nov 27, 2020 14:54:23 GMT -5
The largest city in the region, Diamond City covers the sky with tall buildings filled with apartments and businesses. Special places of interest include a spa for Pokemon, a game corner, and the Pyro Badge at the seventh gym.
Mod Kris Avatar
Memory Tower Wild Pokemon
Mod Kris Avatar
The farther away one travels on this route from Diamond City, the wetter the land gets. Like a tropical jungle, rainfall is fairly common on the road to Astin City. Pokemon that don't mind the rain thrive in this area.
Aug 3, 2018 7:16:25 GMT -5
Astin Pokemon Center
Mar 28, 2021 8:48:44 GMT -5
The last city on the mainland, Astin City is a modest town right next to the watery Route 12. It's modern and homey, yet it sometimes makes visitors feel out of place with its quiet inhabitants. It is home to the eighth and final gym badge, the Abyss Badge, as well as the last Contest Hall.
Kurt Emerson Avatar
Among the Sea's Waves [Mod]
Kurt Emerson Avatar
Route 12 is accessible from Astin City, and begins the long trek North to Victory Road. There is a commercial boat that travels back and forth between Astin City and Victory Road once a week; the only passport one needs is all 8 Ascua gym badges or 6 Contest ribbons. Many trainers, however, like the challenge of using Surf along the route to get in some extra practice before the hazardous Victory Road.

Route 13 is a much smaller water route that veers off to West right before Victory Road. The route leads to Gaia Island and Greenberry Town, bringing the region back full-circle.
Dec 30, 2020 13:41:22 GMT -5
Victory Road Docks Prices
Mar 2, 2019 16:01:25 GMT -5
Victory Road is considered the last test for trainers wishing to challenge the Elite Four or Grand Festival and enter the Hall of Fame. A challenger must bring plenty of medicine for his/her Pokemon team -- Victory Road is home to the toughest wild Pokemon.
Mod Kris Avatar
Gold Rank Missions
Mod Kris Avatar
At the top of Victory Road lies Silven Center. Here is the headquarters for the Pokemon League, the final test for trainers, the Grand Festival, where coordinators finish their journeys, and other popular attractions.
Apr 3, 2021 20:32:25 GMT -5


More Fossils
Jul 7, 2024 7:47:59 GMT -5
Trainers, ranchers, and coordinators alike are able to communicate with each other through all sorts of social media. Texting, e-mail, what-have-you.
Kris Parker Avatar
Egg Gacha
Mod Kris Avatar
For Pokemon in need of good homes or a little extra training, the Adoption and Daycare Center is the place to go to adopt or donate Pokemon, or leave them for training. The Center is located on a private island somewhere off the coast of the Sinnoh region, and is accessible through any PC.
Jul 7, 2024 8:06:54 GMT -5
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The Move
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Speculative threads that take place in your characters' past or future can be role-played and shared here. These threads do not necessarily have to affect the present threads.
Oct 25, 2020 12:31:15 GMT -5

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Aug 21, 2024 13:43:10 GMT -5
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Feb 5, 2021 9:54:08 GMT -5

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Aug 21, 2024 13:43:10 GMT -5
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