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After years of being separated by region, the Pokemon League has banded together to give trainers the ultimate challenge. Once a trainer has earned all eight badges from a region, he or she may come to the Pokemon League for their chance to defeat the Elite Four and enter the Hall of Fame. Good luck challengers!
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The ultimate challenge for the coordinators of the Pokemon world, the Grand Festival boasts the toughest judges and competitors around. Once a coordinator has earned six ribbons from a region's six Contest Halls, he or she may enter the Grand Festival for a chance to win prizes and a spot in the Hall of Fame.
It Never Happened
Gold Rank Missions
Apr 3, 2021 20:32:25 GMT -5
The highest-ranking rangers in Ascua, this building is the largest and most modern technology-wise of the ranger stations. Gold Rank rangers take on some of the toughest missions while also possibly working with the strongest known trainers in the region.
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An amusement park for Pokemon, the Playground stretches for miles all around and has every imaginable terrain for all types of Pokemon to feel comfortable. Trainers may drop their Pokemon off for a day of fun while they go about their business, for the only humans allowed on the Pokemon Playground are the attendants.
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Silven Center

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Mod Kris
Sept 2, 2018 16:17:41 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Silven Pokemon Center & Pokemart  
Mod Kris
Sept 2, 2018 16:17:41 GMT -5
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