
Silver Rank Missions
Apr 3, 2021 20:07:26 GMT -5
Right outside of Bridgevale City and at the beginning of Hotfoot Trail lies the fireproof building of Silver Rank Rangers. These rangers are experienced and specialize in navigating through rough terrain and calming the powerful types of wild Pokemon around.
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Previously a volcano, Mount Hotstreak is now just a very stuffy mountain filled with Fire- and Ground-type Pokemon. The mountain has entrances from the Hotfoot Trail by Bridgevale City and Route 10. Going through Mount Hotstreak is the quicker path when one is traveling between Bridgevale and Route 10, but it is more perilous than the Hotfoot Trail. If a trainer has a Pokemon with enough strength, he or she can access Mount Hotstreak.

(This board is password protected. To receive the password, you must creatively describe your Pokemon utilizing their strength to reach Mount Hotstreak in your Hotfoot Trail thread. Please note that the password changes frequently.)
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Hotfoot Trail

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Mod Kris
Aug 3, 2018 7:08:30 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Hotfoot Trail Wild Pokemon  
Mod Kris
Aug 3, 2018 7:08:30 GMT -5
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