
It Never Happened
The Kea Islands is a group of three islands haphazardly placed in the middle of Route 8. Two isles are mostly made of caverns and are connected to each other through tunnels under the water's surface. The third isle is a thick jungle and is said to have a few rarer Pokemon living on it.

No passenger or commercial boat stops at these islands; rumor says there's a haunted, half-sunken ship behind the jungle isle. The only way to get to the Kea Islands is to have a strong Pokemon able to dive towards the entrance to the caverns found underwater.

(This board is password protected. To receive the password, you must creatively describe your Pokemon diving their way toward the Kea Islands in your Route 8 thread. Please note that the password changes frequently.)

Route 8

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Mod Kris
Aug 3, 2018 7:01:43 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 8 Wild Pokemon  
Mod Kris
Aug 3, 2018 7:01:43 GMT -5
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