
Newsnow Village's Contest Hall
Sept 9, 2018 7:51:10 GMT -5
Being in a small village, this Contest Hall is quite small and doesn't run contests as frequently as some of the other halls around the region.
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Copper Rank Missions
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A bit more experienced than those of the Normal Rank, Copper Rank Rangers have longer missions. Being in Newsnow Village, a couple of major tests of Copper Rangers is persevering through the colder weather and the nearby caverns.
Apr 3, 2021 19:58:49 GMT -5
Dewdrop Lake Wild Pokemon
Sept 1, 2018 21:33:55 GMT -5
Newsnow Village is an island in the middle of the large Dewdrop Lake. Filled with crystal-clear water, Dewdrop Lake never seems to lose its chill even during the hottest months of the year. In fact, it almost always has ice forming at the edges of it, and Ice-Types have been seen living in the area with the Water-types.
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Newsnow Village

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Sept 1, 2018 21:35:36 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Newsnow Pokemon Center  
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Sept 1, 2018 21:35:36 GMT -5
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