
Makeshift Path (Mods/Open)
Jan 29, 2023 14:57:57 GMT -5
The Apricorn Woods are nestled between the edge of The Silent Sands and the Jaded Meadows, resulting in a dense woodlands with few rivers and greenery that thrives in dryer air. The thick foliage casts the woodlands in dim shadows throughout the day, making it a prime home for wild Dark-, Ghost-, and Poison-type Pokemon.
Kris Parker Avatar
Down Below (Mods/Open)
Kurt Emerson Avatar
At the edge of the woods, close to the tip of the island itself, lies a series of cave mouths. These caves lead to caverns underneath the woodlands and island itself, a dim labyrinth that is no doubt filled with wild Pokemon and even treasures. The caverns grow chillier the further one travels down, and echoes of waves from the sea bounce back from the lowest floors.
Jan 31, 2024 7:57:18 GMT -5

Southwest Region

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